Jupiter Enters Taurus

By Patrick Flaherty | May 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Jupiter Enters Taurus

Jupiter will enter Taurus on May 16, 2023 and remain there uninterrupted until May 21, 2024. This is an opportunity to expand on anything you may have started while Jupiter was in Aries. Slow, practical, day to day small acts can add up to something big. This is also an auspicious time for any somatic healing…

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Chiron: The Bridge

By Patrick Flaherty | February 6, 2023 |

The Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) represent the archetypal bedrock we all share. They are the Collective Unconscious. When they form multiple close aspects with personal planets in your natal chart, it creates an imperative to understand and integrate these destabilizing forces. So, for example, if Pluto is square to your Sun, you won’t be able to develop your Sun fully without dealing with the Pluto archetype – raw sexuality and power, and the urge to tear things down to make way for something truer and deeper. This work, eventually, gives one insight into what makes the collective tick.…

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Uranus in Taurus

By Patrick Flaherty | February 5, 2023 | Comments Off on Uranus in Taurus

Feb 5, 2023 – Patrick Flaherty. Uranus in Taurus (May 2018 – April 2026) Taurus is the earthiest of the earth signs, being fixed, and is associated with springtime, growth, planting crops, and various bodily pleasures. It is related to the 2nd house of resources. Uranus here has been transforming our relationship to the body, health, food, finances, and housing. This is happening on two fronts, which are diametrically opposed. The top down approach is questioning the very notion of body sovereignty, and adopting an attitude of cold science, fear, and scarcity. I hardly need list the sweeping changes wrought…

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We need to talk about Uranus.

By Patrick Flaherty | February 5, 2023 | Comments Off on We need to talk about Uranus.

Feb. 5, 2023 ~ Ouranos is a sky god, related to the Hindu Varuna, who both creates the universe and maintains it through cosmic law. He rains down his creative force from heaven, which makes him a fitting ruler for Aquarius, the Water Bearer. This generative force can make us feel restless, dissatisfied with the status quo. But even before the revolution, come the revelations. An influx of wild ideas can leave us brimming over with raw potential, feeling heady, and even lead to hubris, as if we hold the secrets to the universe. If only people would listen! Uranus…

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